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Blood & Marrow August 2017 Vol 1.8

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Blood & Marrow August 2017 Vol 1.8

Perhaps Clinical Hematology is the only P specialty of medical science which gives you the opportunity to practice the ‘full package’. From history and examination to drawing blood and doing bone marrow biopsies to running tests in lab and looking at slides under microscope to making diagnoses and treating patients……. it is all clinical hematology. And there is no distinction of young or old, male or female, benign or malignant. You see them in OPD, in wards, in ER and in ICUs. You prescribe vitamins, give chemotherapy, do bone marrow harvests and deliver stem cell therapies. On one hand you follow the decade old tradition of looking at drop of blood under the microscope and on the other hand explore new horizons in the fascinating world of stem cell therapies. Clinical hematology it is!!!
